‘Menergy’ drove dance music forward on an exultant wave of intangibles and precision, capturing the spiritual essence of the birth of clubbing culture in a set of meticulously-crafted tracks.

We called upon our bursting pool of contributors from over the years and our trusted members of staff to give an accurate representation of electronic music's evolution over the last four decades. Here we present the 50 most influential dance music albums of all time, no easy task to compile as you can imagine. Whatever your preference, we've been truly spoiled and when it comes to albums, there have been some true cornerstones of relevance that have not only got us dancing, but inspired and influenced the next wave of artists to bring forth something, new, exciting and progressive. How can you forget UKG rearing it's mischievous, bumping head or even that behemoth they call EDM taking over the minds of millions around the world. From the Summer Of Love, where acid house and ecstasy reigned supreme, to the birth of techno in light of political and social oppression. We've experienced not only a wealth of incredible electronic music over the last 40 years or so, we've seen it spur on cultural movements and define the lives of generations.